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Confectionery Industry Workers

Employment Prospects


A wide variety of settings are available to the estimated 15,900 food batchmakers in the sugar and confectionery manufacturing industry in the United States, from small candy stores that make their own confections to multinational corporations. Employment is also available at small and mid-size confection manufacturers. Although candy is made throughout the United States, the candy industry is most active in Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, and California.

Starting Out

Job seekers should apply directly to local plants for employment. Online ads are a good source of leads. In addition, the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union, to which many workers belong, may provide information about local openings. Some companies may place newspaper ads for workers. Many small retail stores, such as popcorn stores, also hire people to prepare and sell their candy and other confectionery products. Apply directly for these positions as well.