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Congressional Aides


Congressional aides are the men and women who staff the offices of the members of the United States Congress. Working for senators and representatives, they assist with a variety of congressional duties, from administrative details to extensive research on legislation. Members of Congress typically include among their staff legislative assistants, a press secretary, a chief of staff, an office manager, a personal secretary, a legislative correspondent, and constituent services representatives. Aides are generally divided into two groups: personal staff and committee staff. An aide may work in an office in Washington, D.C., or in a local district or state office.

The U.S. House of Representatives reports that its total workforce numbers approximately 10,000 employees, with more than half working in Washington, D.C. 

Salary Range

Below $25,000 to $100,000+

Minimum Education Level

Bachelor's Degree




Little Change or More Slowly than the Average
Personality Traits




Career Ladder

Chief of Staff

Experienced Congressional Aide

Entry-Level Congressional Aide