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Funeral Home Workers


The funeral director, also called a mortician or undertaker, handles all the arrangements for burial and funeral services of the deceased, in accordance with the family's wishes. This includes the removal of the body to the funeral home, securing information and filing for the death certificate, and organizing the service and burial plans. The director also supervises the personnel who prepare bodies for burial. A growing number of funeral directors work with clients who wish to plan their own funerals in advance. An embalmer uses chemical solutions to disinfect, preserve, and restore the body and employs cosmetic aids to simulate a lifelike appearance. A mortuary science technician works under the direction of a funeral director to perform embalming and related funeral service tasks. Most are trainees working to become licensed embalmers and funeral directors.

Funeral attendants are responsible for various tasks, including placing the casket in the funeral parlor or chapel before services, organizing flower arrangements and lighting around the casket, escorting mourners during viewings and services, closing the casket, and storing funeral equipment after services are complete.

Funeral home workers are employed throughout the world in small communities as well as large metropolitan areas. Because cultures and religions affect burial customs, funeral home workers must be sensitive and knowledgeable to these differences.

There are approximately 24,200 morticians, undertakers, and funeral arrangers and 14,200 funeral home managers in the United States. Funeral attendants hold another 32,620 jobs, while embalmers number about 3,380.

Salary Range

Below $25,000 to $100,000+

Minimum Education Level

High School Diploma




About as Fast as the Average
Personality Traits




Career Ladder
Funeral Home Owner

Funeral Director


Mortuary Science Technician

Funeral Attendant