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Asbestos Abatement Technicians

Exploring This Job

Contact your local union representing this trade. It could offer a wealth of information regarding the job, including training programs and job openings. You may be able to speak with a journeyman and learn what it's really like to work in the field. You probably will not be allowed on a worksite, but you may be allowed to try on a respirator unit.

Visit your local library and read about asbestos, its history, use, benefits, and potential hazards. Visit the Environmental Protection Agency's Web site ( to learn more about potential hazards in your environment and what you can do about them.

Is your school safe? Ask school officials or your school board if your facility has been tested and request the results from the test. If it hasn't been tested and the school was built before 1980, gather support from students, parents, and teachers to demand testing.