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Commodities Brokers


There will continue to be opportunities for commodities brokers as a result of the growing number and increasing complexity of investment options, the increasing types of commodities that available for investment due to the increasingly globalized marketplace, and the large number of baby boomers who are reaching retirement age, any of whom are looking to invest in markets as a way of saving for their futures.

Advances in technology, such as electronic order entry and automated trading, are rapidly evolving, which have reduced the need for brokers in some companies.

Because many people are attracted to this work by the possibility of earning large incomes, competition for jobs is particularly keen. However, job turnover is also fairly high due to the stress of the work and the fact that many beginning brokers are not able to establish a large enough clientele to be profitable. Small brokerage firms may offer the best opportunities for those just starting out in this work.

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