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Antiques and Art Dealers


Antiques and art dealers make a living acquiring, displaying, and selling antiques and art. By strict definition, antiques are often defined as items more than 100 years old. In the last two decades, however, the term "antique" has been applied to furniture, jewelry, clothing, art, household goods, and many other collectibles, dating back to as recently as the 1970s. People collect a wide array of items, from traditional paintings and sculptures to unique period toys and cigar boxes. Many antiques and art dealers are self-employed and go into business after discovering an interest in collecting pieces themselves.

Salary Range

Below $25,000 to $100,000+

Minimum Education Level

High School Diploma




About as Fast as the Average
Personality Traits




Career Ladder
Antique Shop or Art Gallery Owner

Antiques/Art Dealer

Art Assistant

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