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Curriculum Coordinators


The oldest school in America is the Boston Latin School, founded in 1635 and still in existence today. The school's founders decided on a curriculum focused on humanities. In the centuries since, educators have continued to review the curriculum, which is still humanities based, and improve on it to align with students' needs and also stay in sync with the current world. The job of curriculum coordinator has grown in importance over the years. In all schools, curriculum coordinators have become essential in assessing and improving their curricula, and ensuring educational materials and programs are in compliance with state and local regulations.

In the mid-1940s, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development was founded, offering core principles for educators in the development of curricula. The association also focused on the development of students, understanding their diverse needs, and creating collaboration among teachers, school principals, and district leaders. The association is now known as ASCD, and is composed of nearly 113,580 members from more than 129 countries, and includes 64 affiliate organizations.

Annual reports on U.S. students' academic achievements prove how important it is to continually review educational programs and revise them when needed. For example, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reported that students had made some improvements and had some declines in academic performance in 2019 compared to 2017. Their average score in 4th grade mathematics was higher, whereas they had lower average score in 8th grade mathematics since 2017. And students' average reading scores for 4th and 8th grades had dropped since 2017.