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Emergency Services Dispatchers

Certification, Licensing, and Special Requirements

Certification or Licensing

APCO International offers the Emergency Medical Dispatcher (EMD) certification course. The online and in-person course covers topics such as EMD roles and responsibilities, obtaining information from callers, legal and liability issues, anatomy and physiology, chief complaint types, and stress management. During the in-person class sessions, students practice with their agency’s EMD guide cards via simulated EMD calls. APCO International also offers certification programs in fire service communications, law enforcement communications, public safety telecommunication, and other areas.

NENA offers the emergency number professional credential to those who meet education and experience requirements and pass an examination. The International Academies of Emergency Dispatch offers a variety of certification courses for dispatchers and managers. Some agencies have their own certification programs.

Other Requirements

A background check, which may include a drug test, is often required for emergency services dispatchers. Most employers require dispatchers to be U.S. citizens, and some jobs require a driver’s license. Some employers may also require hearing and vision tests to ensure dispatchers can properly field calls and coordinate the emergency response.