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Hotel and Motel Managers

Certification, Licensing, and Special Requirements

Certification or Licensing

Certification for this job is not a requirement, though it is recognized by many as a measurement of industry knowledge and job experience. The American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) offers a variety of certifications for hotel and motel managers, such as certified hotel administrator, certified lodging security officer, certified hospitality manager, certified hospitality supervisor, certified hospitality facilities executive, and certified hospitality revenue manager. Contact the institute for more information on these and other hospitality-related certifications. The IEHA, Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals, and Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International also offer certification credentials.

High school juniors and seniors who are interested in working in the hospitality industry can take advantage of the AHLEI's Hospitality and Tourism Management Program. The two-year program combines classroom and online learning with work experience in the hospitality industry. Graduating seniors who pass examinations, complete 360 hours of classroom learning, and accrue 100 hours of paid or unpaid work experience at hotels, restaurants, or other tourism industry employers receive the hospitality and tourism specialist designation. Visit for more information.