Watch the documentary film The Greenhorns, directed by Severine von Tscharner Fleming, owner of Smithereen Farm in Hudson River Valley, New York. The film features conversations with young farmers across the country—those who deliberately set out to become farmers, and those who "accidentally" fell into it. The film advocates for choosing agriculture as a career. You can learn more about The Greenhorns and find other resources, such as "The Greenhorns Guide for Beginning Farmers," by visiting
Another excellent way to explore the field (without breaking a sweat) is by reading books such as Ann Larkin Hansen's The Organic Farming Manual (North Adams, Mass.: Storey Publishing, 2010) and Peter V. Fossel's The New Organic Grower: A Master's Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home and Market Gardener (White River Junction, Vt.: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2018).
Organizations such as the National 4-H Council ( and the National FFA Organization ( offer good opportunities for learning about, visiting, and participating in farming activities. Agricultural colleges often have their own farms where students can gain actual experience in farm operations in addition to classroom work.
If you are between the ages of five and 22, you can join the National Junior Horticulture Association, which offers horticulture-related projects, contests, and other activities, as well as career information. Visit for more information.
- Agribusiness Technicians
- Agricultural Consultants
- Agricultural Equipment Technicians
- Agricultural Pilots
- Agricultural Scientists
- Animal Breeders and Technicians
- Animal Caretakers
- Animal Physical Therapists
- Aquaculturists
- Bakery Workers
- Beekeepers
- Beverage Industry Workers
- Biologists
- Biosecurity Monitors
- Botanists
- Brewers
- Canning and Preserving Industry Workers
- Chemical Engineers
- Chemists
- Confectionery Industry Workers
- Cooks and Chefs
- Dairy Products Manufacturing Workers
- Dietetic Technicians
- Dietitians
- Ecologists
- Enologists
- Ethical Sourcing Officer
- Family and Consumer Scientists
- Farm Crop Production Technicians
- Farm Equipment Mechanics
- Farmers
- Farmers' Market Managers/Promoters
- Fast Food Workers
- Fishers
- Food Service Workers
- Food Technologists
- Grain Merchants
- Groundwater Professionals
- Health and Regulatory Inspectors
- Horticultural Inspectors
- Meatcutters and Meat Packers
- Molecular and Cellular Biologists
- Nursery Owners and Managers
- Nutritionists
- Packaging Engineers
- Packaging Machinery Technicians
- Personal Chefs
- Product Development Directors
- Product Management Directors
- Product Managers
- Range Managers
- Restaurant and Food Service Managers
- Soil Conservationists and Technicians
- Soil Scientists
- Tobacco Products Industry Workers