Salary Range
$25,000 to $100,000
Soil conservationists develop conservation plans to help farmers and ranchers, developers, homeowners, and government officials best use their land while adhering to government conservation regulations. They suggest plans to conserve and reclaim soil, preserve or restore wetlands and other rare ecological areas, rotate crops for increased yields and soil conservation, reduce water pollution, and restore or increase wildlife populations. They assess land users' needs, costs, maintenance requirements, and the life expectancy of various conservation practices. They plan design specifications using survey and field information, technical guides, and engineering field manuals. Soil conservationists also give talks to various organizations to educate land users and the public about how to conserve and restore soil and water resources. Many of their recommendations are based on information provided to them by soil scientists.
Soil conservation technicians work more directly with land users by putting the ideas and plans of the conservationist into action. In their work they use basic engineering and surveying tools, instruments, and techniques. They perform engineering surveys and design and implement conservation practices like terraces and grassed waterways. Soil conservation technicians monitor projects during and after construction and periodically revisit the site to evaluate the practices and plans.
Minimum Education Level
Bachelor's DegreeCertification/License
Faster than the AverageHelpful


Soil Conservationist

Soil Conservation Technician
- Agribusiness Technicians
- Agricultural Consultants
- Agricultural Equipment Technicians
- Agricultural Pilots
- Agricultural Scientists
- Air Quality Engineers
- Animal Breeders and Technicians
- Animal Caretakers
- Animal Physical Therapists
- Aquaculturists
- Aquarists
- Arborists
- Archaeologists
- Archivists
- Astrogeologists
- Beekeepers
- Biochemists
- Bioenergy/Biofuels Workers
- Biofuels Processing Technicians
- Biofuels Production Managers
- Biofuels/Biodiesel Technology and Product Development Managers
- Biologists
- Biomass Plant Technicians
- Biomass Power Plant Managers
- Biosecurity Monitors
- Botanists
- Brownfield Redevelopment Specialists and Site Managers
- Cartographers
- Chemists
- Chief Sustainability Officers
- Civil Engineers
- Climate Scientists
- Corporate Climate Strategists
- Dairy Products Manufacturing Workers
- Ecologists
- Energy Conservation Technicians
- Energy Consultants
- Environmental Economists
- Environmental Education Program Directors
- Environmental Engineers
- Environmental Lawyers
- Environmental Lobbyists
- Environmental Planners
- Environmental Restoration Planners
- Environmental Scientists
- Environmental Technicians
- EPA Special Agents
- Ethical Sourcing Officer
- Farm Crop Production Technicians
- Farm Equipment Mechanics
- Farmers
- Farmers' Market Managers/Promoters
- Fish and Game Wardens
- Fishers
- Food Technologists
- Forensic Meteorologists
- Forest Fire Prevention Specialists
- Foresters
- Forestry Technicians
- Geodetic Surveyors
- Geographers
- Geographic Information Systems Specialists
- Geological Technicians
- Geologists
- Geophysicists
- Geospatial Analytics Specialists
- Geotechnical Engineers
- Geothermal Energy Industry Workers
- Geothermal Production Managers
- Geothermal Technicians
- Grain Merchants
- Green Builders
- Green Hotel/Resort Ecomanagers
- Green Products Manufacturers
- Green Transportation Careers
- Grounds Managers
- Groundwater Professionals
- Hazardous Waste Management Specialists
- Hazardous Waste Management Technicians
- Historians
- Horticultural Inspectors
- Horticultural Technicians
- Hydropower and Marine Energy Industry Workers
- Indoor Environmental Health Specialists
- Industrial Ecologists
- Land Acquisition Professionals
- Land Trust or Preserve Managers
- Landscape Architects
- Landscapers
- Logging Industry Workers
- Marine Biologists
- Meatcutters and Meat Packers
- Meteorologists
- Methane/Landfill Gas Collection System Operators
- Methane/Landfill Gas Generation System Technicians
- Microbiologists
- Molecular and Cellular Biologists
- Museum Directors and Curators
- National Park Service Employees
- Naturalists
- Nursery Owners and Managers
- Occupational Safety and Health Workers
- Oceanographers
- Organic Farmers
- Paleontologists
- Paper Processing Workers
- Park Rangers
- Range Managers
- Recreation Workers
- Recycling and Reclamation Workers
- Recycling Coordinators
- Remote Sensing Scientists and Technologists
- Remote Sensing Technicians
- Renewable Energy Careers
- Renewable Energy Engineers
- Rewilders
- Soil Scientists
- Space Meteorologist
- Surveying and Mapping Technicians
- Surveyors
- Tobacco Products Industry Workers
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Technicians
- Water/Wastewater Engineers
- Wildland Firefighters
- Wood Science and Technology Workers
- Zoo and Aquarium Curators and Directors
- Zoologists