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Yoga and Pilates Instructors

Employment Prospects


Yoga and Pilates instructors work in fitness centers, gymnasiums, spas, dance studios, and community centers. Most employers are for-profit businesses, but some are community-based, such as the YMCA or a family fitness center. Other job possibilities can be found in corporate fitness centers, colleges, nursing homes, hospitals, and resorts. In smaller towns, positions can be found in health care facilities, schools, and community centers.

Starting Out

If you have been attending yoga or Pilates classes regularly, ask your instructor for ideas on training programs and if he or she knows of any job leads.

Often, facilities that provide training or internships will hire or provide job assistance to individuals who have completed programs. Students can also find jobs through online employment sites, classified ads, and by applying to health and fitness clubs, YMCAs, YWCAs, community centers, local schools, park districts, religious groups, and other fitness organizations. Many companies now provide fitness facilities to their employees. As a result, students should consider nearby companies for prospective instructor positions.