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Medical Billing Service Owners

Education and Training Requirements

High School

Since medical billers use computers, online services, and special software, classes in computer fundamentals and computer programming are important. Communication and English courses will help you develop phone skills. Accounting, math, and business management classes will teach you how to keep accurate financial records. Although a medical background isn't necessary, some familiarity with health issues and the health care industry will help you to understand insurance, doctors' offices, and treatments. Take a course in health to gain this familiarity. Membership in a business club will allow you to meet local small business owners, and teach you about some of the demands of home-based business ownership.

Postsecondary Training

Medical billers come from a variety of different educational and professional backgrounds. A college education will assist you in soliciting clients, and in performing the billing duties, but it is not required. Some background in medicine and health care can be helpful to you, but a degree in business management, or in English, can be equally beneficial. You can also benefit from office experience and an understanding of administrative procedures. Some community colleges offer medical claims billing classes; conferences and workshops in medical billing are also offered by Medicare, private insurers, and clearinghouses.

Other Education or Training

The billing software you choose for your business may include special training. Additionally, some professional associations provide continuing education classes and webinars. For example, the American Medical Billing Association offers seminars such as "Ways of Getting Paid: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly," "Cloud Computing: The Benefits and Risks of Operating on the Cloud," and "Private Payor Headaches: How to Reduce Them," and online medical billing training courses. The Healthcare Billing and Management Association also provides continuing education opportunities. Contact these organizations for more information.