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Vault Law 100

Vault’s ranking of the most prestigious law firms in the country based on the assessments of lawyers at peer firms. This year more than 19,000 associates rated the reputations of firms other than their own.
Survey Methodology

How does Vault come up with its list of the Top 100 law firms? The first step is to compile a list of the most renowned law firms across the country by reviewing the feedback we have received in previous surveys, poring over legal publications, speaking with lawyers, legal recruiters, and law firm personnel, and reviewing other published rankings. We then asked these top firms to distribute an online survey to their associates. This year, more than 19,000 attorneys returned anonymous surveys to Vault. Associates from all over the country and the world responded. We heard from lawyers in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Houston, Dallas, DC, Miami, London, Cleveland, Seattle, Orlando, Paris, Phoenix, Atlanta and many other domestic and international locations. The online survey asked attorneys to score each of the law firms on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how prestigious they perceive the firm to be. Associates were instructed to only rate those firms with which they were familiar and were not permitted to rate their own firm. Vault then tallied the scores and now presents the results in our Top 100 ranking.

Take Our Survey

Each year Vault invites eligible law firms to participate in our annual Law Survey. Please contact us if you’re interested in having your firm considered for inclusion.

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2019 Vault Law 100

SCORE 8.976
2018 Rank 1
SCORE 8.654
2018 Rank 2
SCORE 8.569
2018 Rank 3
SCORE 8.258
2018 Rank 4
SCORE 7.938
2018 Rank 7
SCORE 7.916
2018 Rank 5
SCORE 7.849
2018 Rank 6
SCORE 7.847
2018 Rank 8
SCORE 7.585
2018 Rank 9
SCORE 7.489
2018 Rank 11