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Film and Television Editors

Work Environment

Most of the work done by editors is done in film or television studios or at postproduction companies. The working environment is often a small studio office crammed with editing equipment. Working hours vary widely depending on the project. During the filming of a commercial, for instance, editors may be required to work overtime, at night, or on weekends to finish the project by an assigned date. Many feature-length films are kept on tight production schedules.

During filming, editors may be asked to be on hand at the filming location. Locations may be outdoors or in other cities, and travel is occasionally required. More often, however, the film or television editor works in the studio.

Disadvantages of the job involve the editor's low rank on the totem pole of film or television industry jobs. However, most editors feel that this is outweighed by the honor of working on exciting television or movie projects.

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