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Global energy consumption is expected to increase by nearly 50 percent from 2018 through 2050, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Through 2050, natural gas and petroleum will remain the most-consumed sources of energy in the U.S., although renewable energy will be the fastest growing if current trends continue and government policies remain in place.

Landmen will continue to be needed to explore properties that have potential to generate oil, gas, minerals, and other resources for fuel. Oil and gas companies are expected to continue exploration efforts in the coming years to find oil and natural gas deposits trapped in shale rock. The introduction of horizontal drilling techniques and hydraulic fracturing has also strengthened America's position in the global petroleum industry. Factors contributing to this growth are the strengthening economy and increased development of natural gas exploration and production. Natural gas companies, energy companies, and renewable energy companies may offer more opportunities for landmen in the future, as more money is being invested in researching alternative energy sources.

The American Association of Professional Landmen reports that (per its 2022 membership survey) that 34 percent of its members who are active in the land profession plan to retire within five years. As a result, the AAPL says that "young professionals will be able to climb the corporate ladder quickly as an in-house landman or acquire desirable projects easily as an independent. There has never been a better time to enter the land profession."

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