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Preschool Teachers


Employment opportunities for preschool teachers are expected to increase faster than the average for all occupations through 2028, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Those with bachelor's degrees and certification will have the best job prospects. 

Specific job opportunities vary from state to state and depend on demographic characteristics and level of government funding. Jobs should be available at private child care centers, nursery schools, Head Start facilities, public and private kindergartens, and laboratory schools connected with universities and colleges. In the past, the majority of preschool teachers were female, and although this continues to be the case, more males are becoming involved in early childhood education.

Many child care workers leave their centers each year, often because of the low pay and lack of benefits. This will mean plenty of job openings for preschool teachers and possibly improved benefit plans, as centers attempt to maintain qualified preschool teachers.

Employment for all teachers, including preschool teachers, will vary by region and state.