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Biotechnology Research Assistants

Education and Training Requirements

High School

Requirements for becoming a biotechnology research assistant vary, but make sure to take classes in biology and chemistry in high school. Also, a wide variety of college preparatory courses, including English, history, and mathematics, can be helpful as can knowledge of at least one foreign language. Since writing and presenting research are important aspects of the research assistant’s work, you should take classes that strengthen these skills, such as public speaking, journalism, and statistics. Knowledge of computers, the Internet, and databases, as well as excellent library skills, are absolutely vital to this profession, and laboratory skills are essential.

Postsecondary Education

You will need at least an associate’s degree to work as a biotechnology research assistant, but a bachelor's degree or higher will open more opportunities. Many employers require a bachelor’s degree. When you are in college, begin thinking about a specific biotechnology field you are interested in and take courses in that field. For example, if you are interested in working for a biopharmaceutical company, you should take classes in biotechnology, genetics, biology, and other science fields. Some positions require degrees beyond a bachelor’s degree so identify your ultimate career goal when planning your graduate education.

Other Education or Training

Continuing education opportunities in science and biotechnology are provided by the following organizations: American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, American Society of Human Genetics, Biotechnology Innovation Organization, and the Genetics Society of America. Contact these organizations for more information.

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