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Education and Training Requirements

High School

Since most choreographers started out as dancers, your high school education should include courses in drama, art, and music, and activities (such as sports and theatre) that help develop your physical abilities and your creativity. English and speech classes will help you to become a strong communicator.

Postsecondary Training

No degrees in choreography are available, so you should earn a bachelor’s or graduate degree in dance and augment this education with chorography classes. About 240 colleges and universities offer bachelor’s and graduate degrees in dance. For a list of more than 80 accredited programs, visit the National Association of Schools of Dance’s Web site, Aspiring dancers can also receive training via informal apprenticeships from professional dance teachers or by attending a professional dance school such as the famous Martha Graham School. There are a number of such schools in the country; most of them are located in large cities.


Some colleges, dance studios, and dance schools offer dance certificate programs. “Unlike teacher training, a certificate in dance doesn’t actually certify students in any specialty,” according to Dance Magazine. “But it’s an option for those who want to diversify their training, boost their resume and make connections, without the commitment of time and money that college requires.” Contact schools in your area to learn what type of certificate programs are available.

Other Education or Training

Dance/USA offers professional development opportunities at its annual conference. Recent sessions included Emerging Technologies in Dance: From Studio to Stage & Beyond; Future-Proofing the Arts: Streaming, Artificial Intelligence & Privacy in the Digital Age; and Vortex-Moving Through Space Using Sagittal, Transverse & Frontal Planes. Visit for more information. Additionally, many other dance and general arts organizations provide continuing education classes.

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