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Cruise Ship Workers

Work Environment

Workers in the cruise line industry should not expect to have a lot of free time. Most cruise ship workers work long hours—eight- to 14-hour days, seven days a week are not uncommon. Many employees spend a number of weeks, usually five or more, working at sea, followed by an extended leave ashore.

Being a people person is important in this industry. Cruise ship workers not only are expected to work well with their coworkers, but they have to live with them, too. Accommodations for the crew are especially tight; usually two to four employees are assigned to a room. The crew has dining areas and lounges separate from the passengers, yet total privacy is rare on a cruise ship.

Usually, crew members have little access to public areas on their free time. However, when the ship docks at port, crew members on leave are allowed to disembark and go shoreside.