Advancement in this field depends on the interest of the individual. Some floral designers are content to work at small local shops, especially if they have created a name for themselves in the area they serve. At a larger florist, some may become chief floral designers or supervisors. Others decide to try employment with larger national chains such as Teleflora or 1-800-FLOWERS. Superstore grocery chains now boast full-service floral departments, creating many job opportunities for designers.
Do you possess an entrepreneurial nature? Maybe owning a floral business—either based in your home or established in the middle of your town's business district—is in your future. Still other options include entering the field of landscape design; interior landscaping for offices, shopping centers, and hotels; or a large floral design specialty. Imagine working on a float for Pasadena's Tournament of Roses Parade.
- Antiques and Art Dealers
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- Automotive Dealership Sales Managers
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- Chief Customer Officers
- Cosmetics Sales Representatives
- Cosmetics Shop Owners and Managers
- Counter and Retail Clerks
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- Customer Service Representatives
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- Jewelers and Jewelry Repairers
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- Pet Shop Workers
- Retail Business Owners
- Retail Loss Prevention Specialists
- Retail Managers
- Retail Sales Workers
- Sales Managers
- Sales Representatives
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- Supermarket Workers
- Watch and Clock Repairers