For fun and interesting information about flowers, visit the Society of American Florists' AboutFlowers Web site.
For information on certification, student chapters, its student competition, and scholarships available through the AIFD Foundation, contact
American Institute of Floral Designers
3620 American River Drive, Suite 230
Sacramento, CA, 95864-5914
Tel: (443) 966-3850
Contact the Rittners School of Floral Design for career and education information. You can also visit its Web site for information on classes and information on how to care for and arrange floral materials.
Rittners School of Floral Design
345 Marlborough Street
Boston, MA, 02115-1713
Tel: (617) 267-3824
For education information, including online courses, contact
Society of American Florists
1001 North Fairfax Street, Suite 201
Alexandria, VA, 22314-1587
Tel: (703) 836-8700
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