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Horticultural Inspectors

Education and Training Requirements

High School

Because the minimum education required to be a horticultural inspector is generally a bachelor's degree, those interested in this field should take college preparatory courses. High school students should focus on general classes in speech; English, especially writing; business; computer science; and general mathematics. They should also focus on biology, health, chemistry, agriculture, earth science, and shop or vocational training.

Postsecondary Training

The specific degree and training qualifications vary for each position and area in which inspection is done. In this line of work, earning a bachelor's degree in agriculture, chemistry, or food science would be helpful to gaining employment. College courses in agricultural science, biology, government, or related subjects will also be useful for aspiring agricultural inspectors.


Many colleges and universities offer certificate programs in horticulture, agriculture, and related areas. For example, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign offers several horticulture-related certificate programs. Classes in these programs include Introduction to Horticulture; Integrated Pest Management; Urban Food Production; Plants, Pathogens, and People; Plant Disease & Management; and Weed Sciences and Management. Programs typically last six months to a year and are available in online, in-person, and hybrid formats. Contact schools in your area for information about available programs.

Other Education or Training

Horticultural inspectors can continue to update their skills by participating in continuing education classes, webinars, and other learning opportunities that are provided by professional associations, colleges and universities, and other providers.

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