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Horticultural Inspectors

Work Environment

Most horticultural inspectors should expect to travel a considerable amount of the time. They will interact with a wide variety of people from different educational and professional backgrounds. Horticultural inspectors sometimes work long and irregular hours. Sometimes, inspectors will experience stressful, unpleasant, and even dangerous situations. Agricultural and food inspectors may be in contact with unpleasant odors, loud noises, potentially infectious diseases, and other difficult working conditions. Agricultural commodity graders may work outside in the heat or in cool refrigeration units. They may be required to lift heavy objects.

Inspectors may face adversarial situations with individuals or organizations that feel they do not warrant an investigation, are above the law, or are being singled out for inspection.

The work of horticultural inspectors is important and can be rewarding. Compensation and job security are generally good, and travel and automobile expenses are reimbursed when necessary. Inspectors can be proud that the skilled performance of their duties improves life in some way or another for every member of our society.

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