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Radio and Television Program Directors

Employment Prospects


Program directors work for broadcast television, radio, or cable television stations throughout the United States. Large conglomerates own some stations, while others are owned individually. While radio and television stations are located all over the country, the largest stations with the highest paid positions are located in large metropolitan areas.

Starting Out

Program director jobs are not entry-level positions. A degree and extensive experience in the field is required. Most program directors have technical and on-air experience in either radio or television. While you are in college you should investigate the availability of internships, since internships are almost essential for prospective job candidates. Your college career services office should also have information on job openings. Private and state employment agencies may also prove useful resources. You can also send resumes to radio and television stations or apply in person.

Beginners should be willing to relocate, as they are unlikely to find employment in large cities. They usually start at small stations with fewer employees, allowing them a chance to learn a variety of skills.

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