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Real Estate Educators

Employment Prospects


Adult education teachers, including those teaching real estate classes, can find work in a variety of different schools and education programs. Community and junior colleges offer classes in real estate ranging from property management and appraisal to broker administration. Park districts often have adult enrichment classes available in a variety of real estate-related interests.

Teachers are also hired for long-distance education programs and to lead continuing education courses for corporations and professional associations.

Starting Out

Most people entering this field have some professional experience in real estate, a desire to share that knowledge with other adults, and a teaching certificate or academic degree. Real estate teachers with previous practical experience in the market are highly regarded.

When pursuing work as a real estate teacher, you should contact colleges, private trade schools, vocational high schools, or other appropriate institutions that have real estate programs in place to receive additional information about employment opportunities.

Many colleges, technical schools, and state departments of education offer job lines or bulletin boards of job listings. Check with your area park district for possible employment opportunities. You can also often find job openings in the classifieds of local newspapers or journals. Try the Vandema Web site ( for a list of magazines pertaining to the commercial real estate industry.