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Special Education Teachers


In May 2019, the median annual salary for special education teachers working in preschools was $60,000, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Special education teachers working in kindergarten and elementary schools earned an average salary of $60,460. Those working in middle schools had median annual earnings of $61,440, and those in secondary schools earned $61,710. The lowest paid 10 percent of all special education teachers made less than $34,180 a year, and the highest paid 10 percent made more than $115,260. In some school districts, salaries for special education teachers follow the same scale as general education teachers. Private school teachers usually earn less than their public school counterparts. Teachers can supplement their annual salaries by becoming an activity sponsor, or by summer work. Some school districts pay their special education teachers on a separate scale, which is usually higher than that of general education teachers.

Regardless of the salary scale, special education teachers usually receive a complete benefits package, which includes health and life insurance, paid holidays and vacations, and a pension plan.