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Deputy U.S. Marshals

Exploring This Job

For any law enforcement job, it is difficult to obtain practical experience prior to entering the field. If you are interested in more information about working as a deputy U.S. marshal, you should contact the Marshals Service. Many police departments, however, hire student trainees and interns, and this may provide good exposure to general law enforcement. In addition, the FBI operates an Honors Internship Program ( for undergraduate and graduate students selected by the FBI. A school counselor, a college or university career services office, or a public library may also have additional information.

Talk with a deputy U.S. marshal about his or her career. Ask your school counselor to help arrange an interview. Suggested interview questions include: What made you want to enter this career? What do you like most and least about your job? How did you train for this field? What advice would you give to young people about preparing for the field and being successful on the job?

Participate in summer exploration programs in criminal justice, cybersecurity, and related fields that are offered by colleges and universities to build your skills and meet people with shared interests.

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