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Fast Food Workers

Exploring This Job

Course work in family and consumer science and other classes that develop cooking skills can provide good preparation for the job of a fast food worker. In addition, general business or management courses provide a solid basis for entry-level workers. Students should also look into opportunities for working in the school cafeteria or other food service area. Neighborhood restaurants and local hot dog or hamburger stands may also hire summer help.

Certain high schools offer cooperative work-study programs to students to assist them in gaining job experience. Such programs may offer concentrations in the food service industry or host lectures from community members already involved in the field.

Participate in information interviews with fast food workers—ideally, those with at least several years of experience. In such an interview—which can be conducted in-person, on the phone, or through video-conferencing technology—you will get the opportunity to ask fast food workers about their job duties, work environment, likes and dislikes about their careers, and other topics that will help you to learn more about the field. Ask your school counselor or a teacher to help you set up information interviews.