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Employment Prospects


Photojournalists represent a small percentage of the 50,260 photographers employed in the United States. They work for broadcast, print, or online publications or as self-employed freelance photojournalists. Photo agencies and news organizations such as the Associated Press purchase photos from freelance photojournalists to use in print and online publications. Some photojournalists work on staff for newspapers, magazines, or other print publications. Television networks also hire photojournalists to help illustrate breaking stories.

Regardless of where they work, most photojournalists get their first jobs through an internship or professional contacts. The National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) offers job assistance to its members.

Starting Out

Most photojournalists get their first jobs through contacts made during their internships during college. However, contacts can also be made through professional associations such as the NPPA and other sources. The most important thing that the beginning photojournalist must prepare is his or her portfolio, which many photojournalists now post online. This carefully selected collection of work should reflect the individual's abilities, diverse interests, and flexibility.

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