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News Anchors


The average salary for a news anchor employed in the U.S. in March 2020 was $60,097, according to Salaries ranged from $34,000 to $140,000, not including bonuses and profit sharing.

Median annual earnings of all announcers (including news anchors) were $33,220 in 2018, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. The lowest paid 10 percent earned less than $19,120 and the top paid 10 percent made more than $94,450.

For both radio and television, salaries are higher in larger markets. Salaries are also generally higher in commercial than in public broadcasting. Nationally known news anchors who appear regularly on network television programs receive salaries that may be quite impressive. For those who become top television personalities in large metropolitan areas, salaries also are quite high.

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