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News Anchors


Competition for entry-level employment in announcing during the coming years is expected to be keen, as the broadcasting industry always attracts more applicants than are needed to fill available openings. There is a better chance of working in radio than in television because there are more radio stations. Local television stations usually carry a high percentage of network programs and need only a very small staff to carry out local operations.

The U.S. Department of Labor predicts that employment of radio and television announcers will decline by 5 percent through 2028. Openings will result mainly from those who leave the industry or the labor force. Also, hybrid digital (HD) radio, which offers more channels, may increase demand for on-air announcers. The growth of national news and satellite stations may increase the job opportunities for local radio and television announcers. The trend among major networks, and to some extent among many smaller radio and TV stations, is toward specialization. News anchors who specialize in such areas as business, sports, weather, consumer, and health news should have an advantage over other job applicants.

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