You can explore a career as a reporter by talking to reporters and editors at local newspapers and radio and TV stations. You can also interview the admissions counselor at the school of journalism closest to your home.
In addition to taking courses in English, journalism, social studies, speech, computer science, and typing, high school students can acquire practical experience by working on school newspapers or on a church, synagogue, or mosque newsletter. Part-time and summer jobs on newspapers provide invaluable experience to the aspiring reporter.
College students can develop their reporting skills in the laboratory courses or workshops that are part of the journalism curriculum. College students might also accept jobs as campus correspondents for selected newspapers. People who work as part-time reporters covering news in a particular area of a community are known as stringers and are paid only for those stories that are printed.
Journalism scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships are offered by universities, newspapers, foundations, and professional organizations to college students. Many newspapers and magazines offer summer internships to journalism students to provide them with practical experience in a variety of basic reporting and editing duties. Students who successfully complete internships are usually placed in jobs more quickly upon graduation than those without such experience.
- Actors
- Advertising Managers
- Animators
- Art Directors
- Artist and Repertoire Workers
- Artists
- Audio Recording Engineers
- Augmented Reality Developers
- Bloggers
- Book Editors
- Broadcast Engineers
- Camera Operators
- Cartoonists
- Choreographers
- Cinematographers and Directors of Photography
- Circus Performers
- Clowns
- Columnists
- Comedians
- Comic Book Writers
- Computer and Video Game Designers
- Content Management Specialists
- Copy Editors
- Copywriters
- Dancers
- Desktop Publishing Specialists
- Diet and Fitness Writers
- Digital Advertising Workers
- Digital Agents
- Digital Marketing Workers
- Disc Jockeys
- Editorial Assistants
- Editorial Research Assistants
- Editors
- Fashion Illustrators
- Fashion Photographers
- Fashion Stylists
- Fashion Writers and Editors
- Film and Television Directors
- Film and Television Editors
- Film and Television Extras
- Film and Television Producers
- Food Photographers
- Food Writers and Editors
- Foreign Correspondents
- Grant Coordinators and Writers
- Graphic Designers
- Green Marketers
- Greeting Card Designers and Writers
- Illustrators
- Indexers
- Internet Content Curators
- Internet Developers
- Internet Marketing and Advertising Consultants
- Journalism Teachers
- Lexicographers
- Literary Agents
- Magazine Editors
- Magicians
- Makeup Artists
- Market Research Analysts
- Marketing Consultants
- Marketing Managers
- Media Relations Specialists
- Motion Graphics Artists
- Motivational Speakers
- Multimedia Artists and Animators
- Multimedia Sound Workers
- Music Agents and Scouts
- Music Conductors and Directors
- Music Journalists
- Music Producers
- Music Venue Owners and Managers
- Music Video Directors and Producers
- Music Video Editors
- Musicians
- News Anchors
- Newspaper Editors
- Non-Fungible Token Artists
- Online Journalists
- Online Producers
- Photo Editors
- Photographers
- Photojournalists
- Playwrights
- Podcasters
- Political Columnists and Writers
- Political Reporters
- Political Speechwriters
- Pop/Rock Musicians
- Production Assistants
- Production Designers and Art Directors
- Public Opinion Researchers
- Public Relations Managers
- Public Relations Specialists
- Publicists
- Radio and Television Announcers
- Radio and Television Program Directors
- Radio Producers
- Real Estate Writers
- Science and Medical Writers
- Screenwriters
- Show Runners
- Singers
- Social Media Workers
- Songwriters
- Sports Broadcasters and Announcers
- Sports Photographers
- Sportswriters
- Stage Production Workers
- Stunt Performers
- Talent Agents and Scouts
- Technical Writers and Editors
- Typists and Word Processors
- Video Game Art Directors
- Video Game Producers
- Video Game Testers
- Webmasters
- Writers