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Sports Publicists

Education and Training Requirements

High School

Sports publicists are the voice of the athlete or team they represent, so being an effective communicator is essential. Take classes in English and journalism to hone writing skills, and take speech classes to learn how to compose ideas and thoughts and convey them to an audience. Also take other college preparatory classes, such as math, science, and foreign language. Since sports publicists deal with the public, a general knowledge of history, sociology, psychology, and current events will be especially important.

Postsecondary Training

Most publicists working in the sports industry are college graduates with degrees in public relations, marketing, communications, journalism, or sports administration. A college degree is essential to success as a publicist. 

Other Education or Training

The Public Relations Society of America offers continuing education (CE) classes, webinars, seminars, and workshops on crisis communications strategy, public relations writing, digital media, social media, and other topics. The International Association of Business Communicators and College Sports Information Directors of America also provide CE resources. Contact these organizations for more information.