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Exploring This Job

To explore this career, become an intern or volunteer in the office of a lobbyist, legislator, government official, special interest group, or nonprofit institution (especially one that relies on government grants). Working in these fields will introduce you to the lobbyist's world and provide early exposure to the workings of government.

Another good way to learn more about this line of work is by becoming involved in your school government; writing for your school newspaper; doing public relations, publicity, and advertising work for school and community organizations; and taking part in fund-raising drives. When major legislative issues are being hotly debated, you can contact your congressional representatives to express your views or even organize a letter-writing or telephone campaign; these actions are in themselves forms of lobbying.

Participate in information interviews with lobbyists. In such an interview—which can be conducted in-person, on the phone, or through video-conferencing technology—you will get the opportunity to ask lobbyists about their job duties, work environment, likes and dislikes about their careers, educational training, and other topics that will help you to learn more about the field. Perhaps you could even job-shadow a lobbyist to learn even more about the field. Ask your school counselor or a teacher to help you set up these career exploration opportunities. 

Participate in government-, public policy–, and political science–related summer exploration programs that are offered by colleges and universities, high schools, companies, and professional associations. For example, the National Student Leadership Conference offers summer exploration programs in Political Action & Public Policy and other areas. Learn more at

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