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Education and Training Requirements

High School

In general, a high school diploma is preferred, but not necessary, for most landscaper positions. At least some college training is needed for those with specialized responsibilities. High school students interested in this career should take classes in English, mathematics, chemistry, biology, and as many courses as possible in horticulture and botany.

Postsecondary Training

Those interested in college training should enroll in a two- or four-year program in horticulture, landscape management, or agronomy. Classes might include landscape maintenance and design, turf grass management, botany, and plant pathology. Course work should be selected with an area of specialization in mind. Many trade and vocational schools offer landscaping, horticulture, and related programs. Several extension programs are also available that allow students to take courses at home.

The minimal educational requirement to become a forester is a bachelor's degree in forestry; however, some foresters combine three years of liberal arts education with two years of professional education in forestry and receive the degrees of bachelor of arts and master of forestry.

The National Association of Landscape Professionals has developed the Landscape Management Apprenticeship Program, which prepares apprentices for work as a landscape technician in maintenance, installation, and irrigation. Apprentices must complete 2,000 hours of on-the-job training as well as a minimum of 144 hours in the classroom or online equivalent. Visit for more information.


Colleges and universities offer certificate programs in horticulture, urban forestry, and related fields that help students and current technicians build their skills. Programs typically last six months to a year and are available in online, in-person, and hybrid formats. Contact schools in your area for information about available programs. Additionally, the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) offers landscape technician and principles of turfgrass management certificate programs. Visit for more information.

Other Education or Training

Landscapers can enhance their knowledge and advance in their work by taking continuing education courses offered by professional associations. Groups such as the NALP, among others, offer continuing education classes, webinars, and workshops.

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