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Work Environment

Rewilders have a range of work environments, including offices, research laboratories, and wild areas. Those who work in environmental policy or law, or those who are responsible for other business-focused aspects of rewilding campaigns and agreements with landowners work in typical office settings. They may also travel to the homes of landowners and other stakeholders to discuss potential or ongoing rewilding projects. Conservation scientists, wildlife biologists, environmental technicians, and other environmental professionals work in the field to evaluate land and ecosystems for potential rewilding and, once the project starts, identify and remove invasive species, plant native plants and trees, introduce and monitor apex predators and keystone species, collect data, and perform other tasks. Science professionals work in all types of weather conditions, as well as in natural areas that can be hilly, muddy, buggy, and otherwise challenging at times. Scientists and technicians also spend time in the laboratory conducting research.

This is an exciting field for those who are committed to restoring ecosystems. It can be extremely rewarding to see one’s hard work translate into a thriving and in balance natural area that requires little human intervention. It’s also rewarding to know that one’s work helps mitigate climate change, increases economic opportunities for local communities (especially in the areas of ecotourism and hospitality), and allows an endangered or threatened animal or plant to expand in number. This career can be frustrating because some people do not believe in rewilding and have misconceptions about what it entails and its effects on nearby communities. Rewilders may encounter angry or misinformed people who are unable or unwilling to understand the benefits of rewilding. It can also be frustrating when a rewilding project is halted or slowed due to lack of funding, logistical or organizational challenges, or other issues.

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