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Exploring This Job

You can seek more information about ecology from school counselors and professional ecologists who work at nearby colleges, universities, and government agencies. An easy way for you to learn more about ecology is to study your own environment. Trips to a nearby pond, forest, or park over the course of several months will provide opportunities to observe and collect data. Science teachers and local park service or arboretum personnel can also offer you guidance. Additionally, the Ecological Society of America offers a wealth of career resources on its Web site,

Attend summer camps that allow you to learn more about environmental science and careers in the field. One such opportunity is the nine-day Environmental Science & Sustainability Program offered by National Student Leadership Conference ( Many other organizations and postsecondary institutions—such as the Michigan Technological University, Acadia Institute of Oceanography, and the Environmental Studies Summer Youth Institute—provide summer programs. Contact schools and organizations in your area to learn more about summer opportunities.

Participate in information interviews and job-shadowing experiences with ecologists to learn more about the field. Ask your school counselor and science teacher for help setting up these experiences.

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