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Nursing Home Administrators

Certification, Licensing, and Special Requirements

Certification or Licensing

Professional certification is available from the American College of Health Care Administrators. Requirements for becoming certified include a bachelor's degree, two years of professional experience as a nursing home administrator, a certain amount of continuing education, and passing the certification exam. Candidates who meet all requirements receive the designation certified nursing home administrator (CNHA). Certification demonstrates an administrator's level of experience and professionalism and is recommended.

All nursing home administrators must be licensed. All states and the District of Columbia require candidates to pass a national licensing exam given by the National Association of Long Term Care AdministratorĀ Boards. In addition, many states require candidates to pass a state exam as well as to fulfill certain requirements, such as having completed an administrator-in-training program of a certain length and completing a certain number of continuing education hours. Since these state requirements vary, you will need to check with the licensing board of the state in which you hope to work for specific information.

Other Requirements

Employees must have a clean criminal record since the Affordable Care Act requires criminal background checks of applicants for positions in nursing homes.

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