Keep up with what's going on in the drone engineering field by reading publications such as Drones Monthly (, Drones World (, and DRONELIFE newsletter (
If you know someone who owns a drone, ask if you can use it to learn how it operates. You can also buy your own small drone and study how it works. Better yet, try building your own basic drone. Ask your shop teacher for guidance and/or check out online tutorials for advice.
Get an internship or summer job with a company that has drone engineering services. This will give you the opportunity to work with people in the field and make connections that can be valuable for future employment. Get involved in a professional association for engineers and engineering students, such as the Technology Student Association ( The TSA offers a Drone Challenge competition for high school students who must "design, build, assemble, document, and test fly an open-source unmanned aerial vehicle according to the stated annual theme/problem specifications." Participants also must create and present a documentation portfolio (which includes a photographic log, wiring schematics, and a description of the programming software that was utilized to design and build the drone), as well as participate in an interview (semifinalists only).
Participate in other competitions to hone your skills and meet others who share the same interests. Here are a few competitions to check out:
- The Drobots Company National Aerial Robotics League Drone Competition:
- Collegiate Drone Racing Association:
Participate in information interviews and job-shadowing experiences with drone engineers to learn more about the field. Ask your school counselor and science or shop teacher for help setting up these experiences.
- 3-D Printing Specialists
- Advanced Manufacturing Engineers
- Advanced Manufacturing Technicians
- Aeronautical and Aerospace Technicians
- Aerospace Engineers
- Aerospace Medicine Physicians
- Air Quality Engineers
- Aircraft Mechanics
- Astronauts
- Astronomers
- Astrophysicists
- Audio Recording Engineers
- Automation Engineers
- Automotive Engineering Technicians
- Automotive Engineers
- Avionics Engineers
- Avionics Technicians
- Biochemical Engineers
- Biomedical Engineers
- Broadcast Engineers
- Building Automation Systems Engineers
- Building Performance Diagnosticians
- Ceramics Engineers
- Chemical Engineers
- Chief Robotics Officer
- Civil Engineering Technicians
- Civil Engineers
- Digital Workplace Experience Engineers
- Driverless Car Engineers
- Drone Manufacturing Workers
- Drone Pilots
- Drone Repair Technicians
- Electrical Engineering Technologists
- Electrical Engineers
- Electromechanical Engineering Technologists
- Electronics Engineering Technicians
- Electronics Engineers
- Embedded Systems Engineers
- Energy Efficiency Engineers
- Engineering Technicians
- Engineers
- Environmental Engineers
- Flight Instructors
- Forensic Engineers
- Fuel Cell Engineers
- Genetic Engineers
- Geotechnical Engineers
- Hardware Engineers
- Hydropower and Marine Energy Industry Workers
- Hypersonics Engineers
- Hypersonics Technicians
- Industrial Engineering Technicians
- Industrial Engineers
- Information Technology Infrastructure Engineers
- Manufacturing Engineering Technologists
- Manufacturing Engineers
- Marine Engineers
- Materials Engineers
- Mechanical Engineering Technicians
- Mechanical Engineers
- Mechatronics Engineers
- Metallurgical Engineers
- Metallurgical Technicians
- Mining Engineers
- Nanosystems Engineers
- Non-Destructive Testing Specialists
- Nuclear Engineers
- Optical Engineers
- Packaging Engineers
- Petroleum Engineers
- Petroleum Technicians
- Physicists
- Pilots
- Plastics Engineers
- Plastics Technicians
- Quality Control Engineers
- Quality Control Technicians
- Radio Frequency Engineers
- Radio Frequency Identification Device Specialists
- Remote Health Care Engineers
- Renewable Energy Engineers
- Robotics Engineers
- Robotics Integrators
- Robotics Technicians
- Software Engineers
- Solar Engineers
- Space Lawyers
- Space Pilots
- Space Tourism Managers
- Spacecraft Test Technicians
- Stationary Engineers
- Traffic Engineers
- Transportation Engineers
- Wind Energy Engineers