There are 5,310 medical scientists and 5,970 biochemists and biophysicists employed in pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing in the United States. Although pharmaceutical companies are scattered throughout the continental United States, the industry is geographically concentrated in the Mid-Atlantic States (New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania) and on the West Coast in California. A handful of companies can also be found in Massachusetts, Illinois, and North Carolina. California and Massachusetts have the largest number of biotechnology companies.
The majority of drug research and development professionals work for private industry. They are employed by large pharmaceutical companies and small, start-up biotechnology companies. Some also find employment in government research jobs or as teachers for research-based college programs. Some scientists are self-employed as consultants or independent contractors.
Starting Out
Science (http://www.sciencemag.org), PharmTech (http://www.pharmtech.com), and other publications feature ads for research and development professionals. Many pharmaceutical and biotech companies list job openings on their Web sites. You can also contact the executives of pharmaceutical companies who make hiring decisions and ask them for advice, without asking directly about individual job openings. Many executives are willing to speak briefly to people starting out in the profession, and they may remember your name when you submit a resume. Use LinkedIn to connect with these executives, as well as with scientists and recruiters.
- Advanced Manufacturing Engineers
- Advanced Manufacturing Technicians
- Agricultural Scientists
- Air Quality Engineers
- Animal Behaviorists
- Animal Breeders and Technicians
- Aquaculturists
- Arborists
- Astrobiologists
- Biochemical Engineers
- Biochemists
- Bioenergy/Biofuels Workers
- Biofuels Processing Technicians
- Biofuels Production Managers
- Biofuels/Biodiesel Technology and Product Development Managers
- Bioinformatics Specialists
- Biologists
- Biomass Plant Technicians
- Biomass Power Plant Managers
- Biomedical Engineers
- Biomedical Equipment Technicians
- Biophysicists
- Biosecurity Monitors
- Biotechnology Patent Lawyers
- Biotechnology Production Workers
- Biotechnology Research Assistants
- Botanists
- Chemical Engineers
- Chemical Technicians
- Chemists
- Climate Scientists
- Clinical Pharmacist Practitioners
- Clinical Research Coordinators
- Contact Tracers
- CRISPR Scientists
- Customer Success Managers
- Cytogenetic Technologists
- Cytotechnologists
- Data Scientists
- Electronics Engineering Technicians
- Engineering Technicians
- Environmental Scientists
- Epidemiologists
- Epigenetics Researchers
- Ethical Sourcing Officer
- Food Technologists
- Forensic Experts
- Futurists
- Genetic Counselors
- Genetic Engineers
- Genetic Genealogists
- Genetic Scientists
- Groundwater Professionals
- Hazardous Waste Management Specialists
- Hazardous Waste Management Technicians
- Health Care Consultants
- Health Care Managers
- Health Data Analysts
- Industrial Chemicals Workers
- Industrial Safety and Health Technicians
- Laboratory Technicians and Technologists
- Laboratory Testing Technicians
- Manufacturing Engineers
- Manufacturing Supervisors
- Marine Biologists
- Materials Engineers
- Mechanical Engineers
- Medical Ethicists
- Medical Scientists
- Medical Screeners
- Microbiologists
- Microfabrication Engineers
- Microfabrication Technicians
- Molecular and Cellular Biologists
- Nanomaterials Scientists
- Nanosystems Engineers
- Nanotechnicians
- Nanotechnologists
- Naturalists
- Neuroscientists
- Nuclear Medicine Physicians
- Pathologists
- Pharmaceutical Industry Workers
- Pharmacists
- Pharmacologists
- Pharmacy Technicians
- Physicians
- Preventive Medicine Physicians
- Product Development Directors
- Product Management Directors
- Product Managers
- Quality Control Engineers
- Quality Control Technicians
- Registered Nurses
- Remote Health Care Engineers
- Renewable Energy Careers
- Renewable Energy Engineers
- Robotics Engineers
- Robotics Technicians
- Sales Engineers
- Semiconductor Technicians
- Senior Care Pharmacists
- Soil Scientists
- Strategy Managers
- Toxicologists
- Veterinarians
- Zoologists