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Methane/Landfill Gas Collection System Operators

Education and Training Requirements

High School

Classes that are helpful for future methane/landfill gas collection work include mathematics, biology, chemistry, environmental studies, and computer science. The ability to communicate clearly is also important in this field, so be sure to take English and speech classes. 

Postsecondary Education

Many employers prefer to hire methane/landfill gas collection operators who hold a bachelor's degree in industrial management or industrial engineering. Degrees may also be in operations management and supervision; logistics, materials, and supply chain management; or in business/commerce or business management. In addition, in large plants, managers usually have more oversight responsibilities, which is why companies may prefer to hire managers with a master's degree in business administration or a graduate degree in industrial management.

Continuing Education

Methane/Landfill gas collection operators continue to take classes to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. The Solid Waste Association of North America offers classes and training for landfill and landfill gas professionals. Classes cover topics such as leachate management and treatment, landfill operations and basics, and landfill operations management. Find information at

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