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Methane/Landfill Gas Collection System Operators

Exploring This Job

Get a part-time job or internship with a company that provides landfill gas collection services. Ask your school's career services office for help with tracking down employment opportunities. Learn more about the different types of jobs and companies involved in methane/landfill gas collection systems by visiting the career section of the National Waste & Recycling Association's Web site, Join a professional association for access to education, networking, and other resources that can enhance your career in landfill gas collection. For example, the Solid Waste Association of North America offers various levels of membership, including student membership and young professionals membership. Find information at Another way to gain insights into this field is by conducting an informational interview with a methane/landfill gas collection system operator. Your school's career services office can help you find an operator who is interested in discussing their career and sharing advice.

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