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Methane/Landfill Gas Generation System Technicians


Landfill gas generation system technicians earned an average base salary of $87,777 in March 2020, according to The entry-level salary for technicians with three or less years of experience was $62,061 and the senior-level salary for technicians with eight or more years of experience was $108,764. According to the Department of Labor, plant and system operators, all other, employed in the United States in May 2018 earned a median salary of $57,100. Salaries ranged from $34,580 or less to $81,750 or more. Those who worked in waste treatment and disposal industries earned about $61,800 per year.

Methane/landfill gas generation system technicians may receive employment benefits such as paid vacation and sick days, insurance, disability, and pension plans. Some companies offer reimbursement for education and training programs.

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