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Plastics Engineers

Exploring This Job

If you are a high school student, you may seek to join the Technology Student Association, which provides students a chance to explore career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, enter academic competitions, and participate in summer exploration programs. Visit for more information.

Your school's career services office or science teacher may be able to arrange a presentation or question-and-answer session with a plastics engineer, or even a tour of a local plastics manufacturer. During these tours, you can observe working conditions and discuss employment possibilities with engineers. You can also join the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) and become a member of a student chapter, which provides opportunities to gain valuable experience and contacts with similarly interested people.

School career services offices may also arrange visits to community colleges, vocational-technical schools, and universities that offer technical programs. Another way to explore this field is through a summer job at a plastics-processing plan, where you will learn the basics and experience the varied areas involved with producing plastics parts.

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