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Sports Facility Managers

Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits

Most organizations want their facility managers to have, at a minimum, five years of experience in the field or industry. This may include participation in a sport at the professional level, marketing or promotions work, or related management experience that can be shown as relevant to the responsibilities and duties of a sports facility manager.

Successful sports facility managers have excellent strategic, budgetary, and operational planning skills; the day-to-day operations of the sports facility will run on their decisions, so they must be capable of juggling many different tasks. 

Leadership and communication skills are also essential. In the course of an average day, sports facility managers might review designs for a new stadium with top-level executives, release a statement to members of the press about the groundbreaking ceremony for the new stadium, and interview prospective foremen for maintenance work. Solid communication skills are needed to clearly express their ideas and share information and goals, regardless of the audience.

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