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Green Transportation Careers


The U.S. Department of Labor does not provide salary information for green transportation workers. It does provide salary ranges for engineers, technicians, and other workers in all industries, along with some data for workers employed in the automotive industry. All salary statistics are as of May 2023.

Engineers earned the following salary ranges by specialty:

  • chemical, $75,650 to $176,420+
  • electrical, $69,320 to $172,050+
  • electronics, $76,700 to $179,690+
  • industrial, $65,320 to $142,220+
  • materials, $63,340 to $165,580+
  • mechanical, $64,560 to $157,470+

Electrical and electronics engineering technicians earned salaries that ranged from less than $46,420 to $105,320 or more; industrial engineering technicians, $44,950 to $94,540+; and mechanical engineering technicians, $44,110 to $96,740+.

Materials scientists earned median annual salaries of $106,160. The highest paid 10 percent of all materials scientists earned $170,900 or more, and the lowest paid 10 percent earned less than $64,130.

Industrial designers earned median annual salaries of $76,250. Salaries ranged from $46,530 to $126,010 or more.

Machinists earned median annual salaries of $50,840. Salaries for all machinists ranged from less than $36,690 to $75,820 or more.

Welders earned median annual salaries of $48,940. Salaries for all welders ranged from less than $36,830 to $72,970 or more.

Industrial production managers in transportation equipment manufacturing earned median annual salaries of $125,380. Overall, salaries for industrial production managers ranged from less than $72,010 to $190,480 or more.

Automotive vehicle service technicians and mechanics earned salaries that ranged from less than $30,600 to $77,630 or more. They earned a median annual salary of $47,770.

Comparable to the salary of urban and regional planners had median annual incomes of $81,800, with the lowest paid 10 percent earning less than $51,470 and the top paid 10 percent earning $126,120 or more. Those working for federal government agencies averaged higher annual salaries ($111,580) than those who worked for local governments ($84,690) or state governments ($78,760).

Support workers earn a wide range of salaries, from starting salaries of $20,000 for clerical workers, to $200,000 or more for lawyers and top executives.

Employers offer a variety of benefit packages, which can include any of the following: paid holidays, vacations, and sick days; personal days; medical, dental, and life insurance; profit-sharing plans; 401(k) plans; retirement and pension plans; and educational assistance programs.

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