Some green transportation workers—mainly technicians and manufacturing employees—are represented by unions. Some major unions include the United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America ( and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (, among others.
Engineers and technicians can obtain resources and support from professional organizations, such as SAE International. Other useful associations for green transportation workers include the Electric Drive Transportation Association; Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association; and Renewable Fuels Association.
The National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies ( offers certification to engineering technicians. The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence offers a variety of certifications for vehicle service technicians, including one in alternative fuels. Other organizations that issue certifications include the SME (for manufacturing engineers) and the American Institute of Certified Planners, a division of the American Planning Association. The National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying ( provides licensure to engineers.
The U.S. Department of Energy conducts extensive research on alternative fuel and advanced vehicle technologies.
- Agricultural Scientists
- Air Quality Engineers
- Air Traffic Controllers
- Airplane Dispatchers
- Airport Security Personnel
- Airport Service Workers
- App Services Workers
- Aquarists
- Arborists
- Armored Truck Drivers
- Autonomous Vehicle Safety and Test Drivers
- Aviation Safety Inspectors
- Avionics Engineers
- Avionics Technicians
- Biochemists
- Bioenergy/Biofuels Workers
- Biofuels Processing Technicians
- Biofuels Production Managers
- Biofuels/Biodiesel Technology and Product Development Managers
- Biologists
- Biomass Plant Technicians
- Biomass Power Plant Managers
- Botanists
- Brownfield Redevelopment Specialists and Site Managers
- Chemists
- Chief Sustainability Officers
- Climate Scientists
- Corporate Climate Strategists
- Driverless Car Engineers
- Ecologists
- Energy Brokers
- Energy Conservation Technicians
- Energy Consultants
- Environmental Economists
- Environmental Education Program Directors
- Environmental Engineers
- Environmental Lawyers
- Environmental Lobbyists
- Environmental Planners
- Environmental Restoration Planners
- Environmental Scientists
- Environmental Technicians
- EPA Special Agents
- Fish and Game Wardens
- Fleet Maintenance Technicians
- Flight Attendants
- Flight Instructors
- Forensic Meteorologists
- Foresters
- Forestry Technicians
- Fuel Cell Engineers
- Fuel Cell Technicians
- Fuel Cell Technology Workers
- Futurists
- Geological Technicians
- Geologists
- Geophysicists
- Geotechnical Engineers
- Geothermal Energy Industry Workers
- Geothermal Production Managers
- Geothermal Technicians
- Green Builders
- Green Hotel/Resort Ecomanagers
- Green Products Manufacturers
- Groundwater Professionals
- Hazardous Waste Management Specialists
- Hazardous Waste Management Technicians
- Horticultural Inspectors
- Horticultural Technicians
- Hydroelectric Plant Technicians
- Hydroelectric Production Managers
- Hydropower and Marine Energy Industry Workers
- Hypersonics Engineers
- Hypersonics Technicians
- Indoor Environmental Health Specialists
- Industrial Ecologists
- Land Acquisition Professionals
- Land Trust or Preserve Managers
- Landscape Architects
- Marine Biologists
- Methane/Landfill Gas Collection System Operators
- Methane/Landfill Gas Generation System Technicians
- Microbiologists
- Molecular and Cellular Biologists
- National Park Service Employees
- Naturalists
- Non-Destructive Testing Specialists
- Oceanographers
- Park Rangers
- Pilots
- Public Transportation Operators
- Railroad Conductors
- Range Managers
- Recycling and Reclamation Workers
- Recycling Coordinators
- Renewable Energy Careers
- Renewable Energy Engineers
- Renewable Energy Site Assessors
- Reservation and Ticket Agents
- Rewilders
- Ship's Captains
- Soil Conservationists and Technicians
- Soil Scientists
- Solar Energy Industry Workers
- Solar Energy Installation Managers
- Solar Energy Sales Representatives
- Solar Engineers
- Solar Thermal Installers and Technicians
- Space Pilots
- Taxi Drivers
- Toll Collectors
- Traffic Engineers
- Transportation Engineers
- Transportation Planners
- Truck Dispatchers
- Truck Drivers
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Technicians
- Water/Wastewater Engineers
- Wind Energy Engineers
- Wind Energy Industry Workers
- Wind Energy Operations Managers
- Wind Energy Project Managers
- Zoo and Aquarium Curators and Directors
- Zoologists