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Collection Workers

Employment Prospects


Approximately 209,700 bill and account collectors are employed in the United States. Many work in a call center for a third-party collection agency rather than the original creditor. Other bill collectors work for a wide range of organizations and businesses that extend credit to customers. Health care providers, department stores, hospitals, banks, public utilities, and auto financing companies are examples of businesses that frequently hire bill collectors.

The companies that hire collection workers are located throughout the United States, especially in heavily populated urban areas. Companies that have branch offices in rural communities often locate their collection departments in nearby cities.

Starting Out

If you are interested in becoming a collection worker, one easy way to start a job search is to apply directly to collection agencies, credit reporting companies, banks, and major retailers that sell large items. To find collection agencies and credit reporting companies, try doing a simple keyword search on the Internet. Remember that these sorts of jobs are often more plentiful in urban areas.

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