High School
Recommended high school classes include English, speech, foreign language, business, marketing, social studies, and computer science (especially web development, programming, and database management).
Postsecondary Education
Content management specialists typically have bachelor’s degrees in English, journalism, mass communication and media studies, technical writing, creative writing, computer science, marketing, public relations, or a related field. Students also complete internships or participate in cooperative education opportunities at companies or organizations that use content management systems in order to develop their skills and experience.
Certificates in content management and related fields are available from colleges and universities, online learning platforms (OLPs), and other providers. For example, Northwestern University offers a digital content management certificate to students who complete four of the following classes: Digital Media and Society; Human-Computer Interaction; Integrated Marketing Communications; Project Management; Visual Communication; and Visual Storytelling. LinkedIn Learning offers a certificate of completion to students who complete a class or classes in a specific field. Recent courses include Learning Elementor for WordPress Design, Drupal 9 Essential Training: 1 Introduction and Administration, and Squarespace Essential Training: The Basics. Visit https://www.linkedin.com/learning/topics/content-management-systems-cms to learn more. The OLP Alison offers a certificate in content management strategies. For more information, visit https://alison.com/course/content-management-strategies. The International Web Association (https://iwanet.org/profdevel/certification-levels) offers professional certificates for Web professionals that cover topics such as computer security, application development, databases, and web development.
Other Education or Training
Participating in continuing education (CE) classes is a great way to keep your skills up to date and learn about new developments in content management; CE credits may also be required to renew one’s certification. Continuing education opportunities are offered by professional associations (such as the Association for Intelligent Information Management, International Web Association, Society for Technical Communication, and the World Organization of Webmasters), postsecondary institutions, and OLPs (such as Coursera, Udemy, Alison, and LinkedIn Learning).
- Actors
- Animators
- Art Directors
- Artist and Repertoire Workers
- Artists
- Audio Recording Engineers
- Augmented Reality Developers
- Bloggers
- Book Editors
- Broadcast Engineers
- Camera Operators
- Cartoonists
- Chief Information Officers
- Choreographers
- Cinematographers and Directors of Photography
- Circus Performers
- Clowns
- Columnists
- Comedians
- Comic Book Writers
- Computer and Video Game Designers
- Computer Programmers
- Copy Editors
- Copywriters
- Dancers
- Digital Advertising Workers
- Digital Agents
- Digital Designers
- Digital Marketing Workers
- Disc Jockeys
- Editorial Assistants
- Editorial Research Assistants
- Editors
- Fashion Illustrators
- Fashion Writers and Editors
- Film and Television Directors
- Film and Television Editors
- Film and Television Extras
- Film and Television Producers
- Food Writers and Editors
- Foreign Correspondents
- Graphic Designers
- Graphics Programmers
- Illustrators
- Internet Consultants
- Internet Content Curators
- Internet Developers
- Internet Executives
- Internet Marketing and Advertising Consultants
- Internet Quality Assurance Specialists
- Internet Security Specialists
- JavaScript Developers
- Literary Agents
- Live Streamers
- Magazine Editors
- Magicians
- Makeup Artists
- Mobile Software Developers
- Motion Graphics Artists
- Multimedia Artists and Animators
- Multimedia Sound Workers
- Music Agents and Scouts
- Music Conductors and Directors
- Music Journalists
- Music Producers
- Music Venue Owners and Managers
- Music Video Directors and Producers
- Music Video Editors
- Musicians
- News Anchors
- Newspaper Editors
- Non-Fungible Token Artists
- Online Gambling Specialists
- Online Journalists
- Online Producers
- Photo Editors
- Photographers
- Photojournalists
- Podcasters
- Pop/Rock Musicians
- Production Assistants
- Production Designers and Art Directors
- Radio and Television Announcers
- Radio and Television Program Directors
- Radio Producers
- Reporters
- Science and Medical Writers
- Screenwriters
- Search Engine Optimization Specialists
- Show Runners
- Singers
- Social Media Influencers
- Social Media Workers
- Software Application Developers
- Software Designers
- Software Quality Assurance Testers
- Songwriters
- Sports Broadcasters and Announcers
- Sports Photographers
- Sportswriters
- Stage Production Workers
- Stunt Performers
- Talent Agents and Scouts
- Technical Writers and Editors
- User Experience Designers
- Video Game Art Directors
- Video Game Producers
- Video Game Testers
- Visual Interaction Designers
- Webmasters
- Writers